Sheet metal machinery production process
Visit:1130 Date:2022-06-08
1.1 First of all, the processing (also known as the landing) process. Usually, on -site workers will use the scissors provided by the technical department to obtain the appropriate size part materials from large plates from large plates. If you are punching, you must consider the dead zone of the clamp. After the feeding is finished, the workers will use a marked pen mark on the surface of each material.
Note: There are also some factories without this processing step, typing directly on the standard board, and then stamping/cutting.
1.2 Then the material will be sent to a CNC punch/cutting machine for punching/cutting process. In this process, the NC (Numerical Control) code needs to be prepared by the processed parts. Most machine tools now provide automatic programming software (almost all domestic manufacturers cooperate with such software companies abroad for OEM sales, so they do not have their own software research and development teams), so they greatly facilitate programming engineers. The factors to be considered by stamping/cutting programming engineers are issues such as board utilization, tools, efficiency, and accuracy. After the stamping/cutting is completed, the part is removed by the micro -connection, and then the bend will be sent to the bend.
1.3 In the bending process, the main consideration is the selection of tools, bending sequence, bending compensation, and bending interference. Generally, bending programming software is also sold randomly, but most of the domestic CNC bending machines are still artificial programming, often relying on the experience of the master. On the other hand, the domestic manufacturing process requires that there are still some abroad. The distance has not improved efficiency, and the performance of the CNC bending machine has not been extremely played.